How I helped update the ART.COM CUSTOM FRAME STUDIO to A Net Profit Per Visit: +15.2%

The highlights of the Custom Framing Studio

My Role

Lead design and Research 

I worked closely with my product manager, UX manager, chief experience officer, the development team, and the CEO. I only worked on the mobile web portion of this responsive project. 

The Challenge:’s custom frame studio only worked on the desktop web experience for a long time because it was coded in flash. As a result, we could only have a limited number of recommended frames for the mobile web experience. This hurt conversion for customers who wanted to build custom frames using their phones.

The Solution:

We conducted a deep dive into our competitors' results for this project (i.e. Framebridge, Minted, Shutterfly, Micheal’s, etc.). We also gathered feedback by watching SessionCam recordings to see where members had pain points in the desktop web experience. From there, we were able to design a possible solution to test and gather feedback for the best user experience.

The Impact:

For mobile, we ran an A/B test between showing the controlled experience (a curated set of recommended frames) versus the custom frame studio. The results of this A/B test proved customers preferred a custom framing studio, which lead to a 15% jump in net profit. Because customers could now create a custom frame using their phone, more customers decided to buy from their phone.

Initial Testing:

Conversation Rate: flat

Average Order Value: +14.9%

Service Rate: +38% (framing +24%, Canvas +56%, Mount +51%)

Net Profit Per Visit: +15.2%

Case Study:

I’m happy to set up a time to walk through a deep dive into this project.